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Birth Place of Takasugi Shinsaku

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  • 1. Birth Place of Takasugi Shinsaku
  • 2. Birth Place of Takasugi Shinsaku
  • 3. Birth Place of Takasugi Shinsaku
  • 4. Birth Place of Takasugi Shinsaku
  • 1. Birth Place of Takasugi Shinsaku
  • 2. Birth Place of Takasugi Shinsaku
  • 3. Birth Place of Takasugi Shinsaku
  • 4. Birth Place of Takasugi Shinsaku

The birthplace of Takasugi Shinsaku, an adventurous hero at the end of Edo period. The southern half is open to the public, which includes a well used for baby bathing and his poem statue.

Basic Information

Location Minamifuruhagimachi 23, Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Access (1) 10 minutes walk from Hagi bus center bus stop
(Towards the castle town)
(2) 20 minutes walk from JR Higashi-Hagi station
(3) 20 minutes by car from Chugoku Expressway Mine Higashi JCT
→ 20 minutes by car from Ogori Hagi Doro Edo IC
(Take Ogori Hagi Road directly connected to JCT towards Hagi)
→4 minutes walk from Chuo-Park parking area
(In the case of using the nearest parking area)
Office of Inquiry Shinsaku Takasugi Birth place TEL: 0838-22-3078