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Mishima Island

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  • 1. Mishima Island

An island in the Hagi Archipelago lies in the Japan sea, located 45km to the north. 7.7 km2 surface area.

Various remains such as Kasaishi and Mishima Jīkonbo Kofun Group can be visited.

Producing area for Mishima brand beef and turtle habitats are designated as natural monuments.

This is a basalt plateau volcano island and has180m high mount Ikurage. The edge of the island is mostly eroded coasts.

The paddy fields in the island are alluvial plains, which is a largely flat landform created by the deposition of sediment over a long period of time by one or more rivers coming from highland regions.

Basic Information

Location Mishima, Hagi City, Yamaguchi Prefecture
Access (1) 70 minutes by boat from Hagi Harbor萩商港から船70分
(2~4 liners per day)
Office of Inquiry Hagi City Government Office Mishima Branch TEL: 0838-23-3311