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Shonin Shrine

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  • 1. Shonin Shrine

In the Shinto Shrine which enshrined the Shoin Yoshida which became the driving force of the Restoration, it was erected in 1907 by (1907) Hirobumi Ito and others.
In The precincts, there are "history museums" spelling Throughout the life of the Shoin "single-minded devotion building" displaying 遺墨 and personal items of private school "Shoka Sonjuku" and the Shoin which Shoin presided over.

Basic Information

Location 1537, Higashimatsumoto, Tsubaki, Hagi-shi, Yamaguchi
Access (1) 10 minute walk from JR Sanin Main Line Higashi-Hagi Station

(2) 20 minute drive from Chugoku Expressway Mine-Higashi JCT
→ 20 minute drive from Ogori-Hagi Road Edo IC
Office of Inquiry Shonin Shrine TEL: 0838-22-4643